Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mighty Uke

Mighty Uke
Release date: 2009
Production oompany: Tiny Goat
Director: Tony Coleman
Run time: 79 minutes
Shown on: Ovation, channel 155 Comcast Baltimore city

This doc was about the resurgence of the ukulele as a serious musical instrument. It had fallen out of favor for several decades. The ukulele is now being used by artists, Hawaiian people, and the Canadian educational system to teach music to its students. This was an interesting doc. It shared the history of the instrument, as well its as falling out of favor. The doc was a way to pass the time and informative, but I would not watch it again.

My DVR is full of documentaries since I found how to search the listings for them. I think my next one will be "The Eyes of Tammy Faye," recommended by "50 Documentaries to See Before You Die."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Docs in a Year - First Post

So, I have become aware of just how many documentaries I watch. What is the cause? Too much time on my hands? Overabundance of Documentaries on Watch Instantly on Netflix? Great documentary series on PBS and CurrentTV? Or the desire to enrich my mind? In any account, it is probably a combination.

According to my Netflix history, between DVDs and Instant, I have watched 47 documentaries since June 2010. That averages out to about .76 per week. Since my roommates are getting tired of hearing about what new documentary I just watched this week, Steph said I need to write a blog. Sounds like a good idea. I always have too much to say. This way I can get it all out, without driving my wonderful roommates crazy.

Out of the 47 documentaries I watched last year, some still stand out. Others were simply a way to pass the time. I may revisit some of the best documentaries of my past year because they are too good not to mention. These were entertaining, interesting, or emotionally exhausting.

My last doc was "Between the Folds": a film by Vanessa Gould. It is available Instantly on Netflix and was shown on the PBS series Independent Lens. This film shows the numerous artists and surprisingly, scientists who practice origami. There are more approaches to origami than folds in a piece of paper. Some MIT students use planning and theory to create increasingly difficult pieces. Some mathematicians use it to illustrate complex geometric problems. And some artists use massive sheets of paper to create intricate, layered pieces which take hours to create. This documentary was a fasinating look at students, engineers, and artists all taking their own road with the same medium. An interesting and inspiring look at creativity.